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Stephen Jenkinson on The Meaning of Death
At the Orphan Wisdom School, the cold northern winds gently blow through towering pine trees and the trickle of icy water can be heard streaming through the hinterland. It is in this peaceful, wintery space that Stephen Jenkinson helps others learn the skills of deep living and making human culture. What is the meaning of death? What is depression? How can repay the debt of being human? These are ... posted on Aug 07 2013, 33,853 reads


Wonder: The Most Human of Emotions
What purpose does the feeling of wonder serve? It seems to have three essential components: sensory, cognitive, and physical, as in that breathless moment when we gasp and say 'Wow!' Finally, it has a dimension that can be described as spiritual. In other words, wonder seems to unite science and religion. This thoughtful essay shares more.... posted on Aug 06 2013, 8,930 reads


35 Scientific Concepts That Will Help You Understand Life
"In order to sharpen our reasoning skills, we must have a good grasp of our own cognitive biases, as well as the basic laws of the universe. But in a dynamic world, new laws are constantly emerging." How do we keep pace with humanity's changing understanding of ourselves and the universe? Thankfully, has interviewed hundreds of the world's most influential thinkers, including neuroscienti... posted on Aug 05 2013, 591,759 reads


Encounters on the Exit Ramp
At one of the busiest intersections in Los Angeles, California stood a person, destitute and holding a sign which read simply, "Can you spare a moment? Blessings appreciated." Most cars passed by without notice, as seems to have become the analogy in how many of us live our lives. To those passing by, this was just another homeless person looking for a handout. They had no way of knowing that this... posted on Aug 04 2013, 44,234 reads


A 40-Year-Old Photo That's Gone Viral
At what point do we begin to judge one another? To create these subtle distinctions which are based at times on nothing more than gender or race? These cracks in humanity where we allow a space for mistrust, suspicion and doubt to grow. In late July 1973, photographer Joseph Crachiola would snap an image that would become the cornerstone of many post-Zimmerman verdict discussions. Read more about ... posted on Aug 03 2013, 18,154 reads


5 Tips for Integrating Mindfulness In Daily Life
Research shows that most people spend up to 50 percent of their time in their heads - a tendency that does nothing to increase our happiness and in fact has been proved to be detrimental to it. Instead of being habitually consumed by thoughts of the past or of trying to control the future, mindfulness is a way of engaging with the present moment. It's a mode of being that helps increase clarity a... posted on Aug 02 2013, 226,541 reads


How Big Ideas Spread
"In the era of the iPhone, Facebook, and Twitter, we've become enamored of ideas that spread as effortlessly as ether. We want frictionless, "turnkey" solutions to the major difficulties of the world -- hunger, disease, poverty. We prefer instructional videos to teachers, drones to troops, incentives to institutions. People and institutions can feel messy and anachronistic. They introduce, as the ... posted on Aug 01 2013, 6,007 reads


Rise up. Be your own guru.
Too often, we live our lives in a sort of buffered silence, fearful of venturing out into this, the most beautiful part of our being. This is your life, and it is a life that is as of yet, undiscovered. You decide your destiny. And, you choose who you will be in each day. Lean into the bliss of your own discovery. In this piece, "Good Life Project" founder, Jonathan Fields, provides his insight on... posted on Jul 31 2013, 42,119 reads


Just Do It: No TYME Like the Present
When Elaine was 23, she found herself with 3 infants and 3 teenagers under her roof. Her home quickly became the neighborhood hangout spot. When a small circle of sharing in her living room grew into the size of a church hall, she knew she had to do more. That's when TYME was born: Teach Youth, Motivate and Empower. By day, Elaine runs programs for underserved kids, teens, and adults. By night, sh... posted on Jul 30 2013, 28,266 reads


An Abiding Ocean of Love: Artist Chris Jordan
The internationally acclaimed artist and cultural activist Chris Jordan explores contemporary mass culture and asks us to consider our roles in becoming more conscious stewards of the world. His work reflects the practices of making the invisible visible and developing empathy for all living things. In his series titled "Running the Numbers," for instance, he creates "beautiful works of art that ... posted on Jul 29 2013, 83,034 reads


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Every one of us is trying to find our true home.
Thich Nhat Hanh

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